Pham Quang Duy Apps

Chess Caro Bluetooth 2.1
Pham Quang Duy
Caro is a fascinating board game, played allover Asia, especially in Vietnam. It should be normal to play thegame on 1 smartphone. Yet, which makes this app special is that youcan enjoy the game together on 2 smartphone via Bluetoothconnection. It’s handy and it’s free!Special version with various fascinating functions:-One-screen mode with tools like: replay button, clock, movecounter-Bluetooth connection between two smartphone,-Message exchange between two phones-Interesting buzz tunes.
ZiziChat (Chat bluetooth) 1.0
Pham Quang Duy
ZiziChat is the best Bluetooth chatapplicationwith original design and customization settings. Youdon’t have 3Gor cann’t connect to any Wi-Fi network? With thisapplication, youcan easily connect to anyone nearby and startchatting! It's verysimple ! You can start using Zizichat with only3 steps. The mostamazing thing is that it's completely free.Features:-Tunes upon message arrival.- Vibration and sound upon buzz! (as Yahoo Messenger)- Visual chat screen.- Notices sending when Bluetooth is disconnected.- Special characters sending.